Community Resources

AARPNews & information for older adults.1-888-687-2277
Erie County CaresLocal resource database for Erie county. 
MedicareOfficial government website for Medicare - sign up and find information.1-800-633-4227
ProSeniorsFree legal advice over the phone for Ohioans age 60+, legal toolkits to draft advance directives, wills, and other documents.1-800-488-6070
Serving Our SeniorsSomeone to call when you need help - general assistance for older adults age 60+ in Erie county.419-624-1856
Social Security AdministrationOfficial government website for the Social Security Administration. Manage your information and apply for benefits.1-866-588-7397 (Sandusky Office)
1-800-772-1213 (Lorain Office)
United Way of Greater Lorain CountyTax preparation, local resource database for Lorain county.1-800-275-6106